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Year 5

Teachers: Miss C Batten, Mr D Richards, Miss Woods and Miss B Vaughan

Year 5 PE days - Monday & Friday


Spellings: These are set every Monday. Each child will have ten words to learn and practise during the week and will then be tested in class on a Friday. We would encourage your child to use a range of strategies to help learn their spellings and they may wish to practise in the green homework book. Once your child feels confident that they have learnt their spellings, they can then complete the online Purple Mash quiz which will be able to be viewed by your child’s teacher. Quizzes will need to be completed by the following Monday and feedback will be provided online or verbally within class.

Maths: Homework is completed on an online program called Purple Mash, which is accessible by desktops or tablets. This is set every Monday to be completed by the following Monday. Your child has their username and password to log on. Whilst this is an online homework, your child may use additional resources such as paper and pencil to support their working. At the end of the homework, there is a ‘mark it’ icon, which will then mark and score the piece of work. Children may re-attempt the homework if they wish to improve their initial score. All scores are accessible by the class teacher and feedback will be given either electronically or verbally within class. Additionally, we encourage you to practise times tables with your child each week. This can be completed in paper form, by rote or by using Times Tables Rockstars. Children should be able to rapidly recall each times table up to 12 x 12 and related division facts.

Home Reading: All the children can select two library books from the school library. One will stay at school and one will be a book of their choice which should be taken home. The library books should be returned when completed or when children are requested to do so. We would encourage children to read daily, even if it's for a short time. Children will have the chance to change their library books during their class library session, which will be on a Tuesday.

Click on the images below to find out more about our class reader Kensuke's Kingdom. 

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