Parental Support
At Craneswater, we are committed to supporting your family’s physical and emotional health and wellbeing. We want to make your child’s journey with us as supported and enjoyable as possible. Our Family Well-being support team are here to help or signpost you to external agencies. We can help with:
your child’s health and well being
behaviour concerns
parenting advice
educational guidance
Internet safety including social media
We can also offer information on activities in the community to promote your child’s wellbeing.

What is it?
BREW stands for:
Relationships, and
Click on this link to find out dates of when we run our sessions.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Young Minds Information and advice for parents and carers supporting young people in the following areas:
Self Harm Prevention
Exam Stress
Anger Management
Eating Disorders and Healthy Eating
Sensory Issues
Coping with life's 'ups and downs''
Low Mood and Depression
Further support and information:
Lets Talk About Mental Health
Spotting the signs of emotional distress; steps towards helping your child with anxiety, resilience and self-esteem, positive mental attitude toolkit, steps to help with transition and social media
SEMH Guidance
Portsmouth City Council Mental Health Support for Young People (SEMH)
Mighty Moe
An anxiety workbook to use with the guidance of parents, carers or a mental health professional
Wellbeing Toolkit
Wellbeing activities for children up to 11 years
NHS Solent Trust Support Groups
Helping Your Child with Fears and Worries
Managing Anxiety and Challenging Presentations
Mind and Mood Group
Child Development
An advice line for parents and carers provided by the Children's Therapy Service
Childhood Illness
Advice on common childhood illness
Treating Head Lice
Solent Children's Services guide for treating head lice
Text Messaging Service
An NHS text messaging service for parents, carers and young people in Portsmouth
NHS Solent Sleep
Solent Child and Family Services advice for helping children with sleep problems
Top Ten Tips for a Good Nights Sleep
Advice from Solent Child and Family Services
Healthy Eating and Establishing Sleep Routines
Advice from START and Safefood
Financial Hardship
The following link contains a directory of services that can be used by anyone in Portsmouth who is facing financial hardship: Help for people in financial hardship - directory - Portsmouth City Council
Individuals are able to visit the Salvation Army Haven foodbank without a referral initially, if there is an urgent need.
The following larders and pantries in the local area are available to help cut the cost of shopping portsmouth.gov.uk/services/benefits-and-support/help-and-support/help-with-food
Location of food banks: Help with food - Portsmouth City Council
Advice Portsmouth can support with referrals, and other money advice, or housing office if they are a city council tenant: 023 9279 4340
Advice and support for parents, carers and guardians as part of Hampshire Constabulary's commitment to working in partnership to keep children and young people safe.
clevernevergoes.org Support for children and families in developing the practical skills needed to assess situations and make safe decisions
Alcohol Misuse
Is alcohol having a negative impact on your family life? Has yours or your partner’s drinking increased as a result of the pandemic? Then the Family Support Project could be just for you.
We are a support service for families affected by parental alcohol use. A Family Worker can meet with you and your family to understand what changes you would like to make. Once you have made a family plan your Family Worker will agree with you how often it would be helpful to meet and what kinds of support would be most useful for you, your family members and your children.
There are no waiting times, and a referral is as simple as making a call, text or sending an email.
If you would like to find out more or just ask for some advice, please call or text us on 07584 563004 or email at family.support@ssj.org.uk
Portsmouth City Council Parenting Offer 2022
Behaviour support services
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) January and February
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) March and April
Available support in the Spring Term
Parenting Surgeries
Details of parenting surgeries available via phone consultation to discuss behaviour issues
The short videos below are by Dr Jo Crane, a Portsmouth based consultant community paediatrician
Rule of 5 positives
Parenting styles
Managing aggression between siblings
Managing aggression
Youth Projects