School Uniform
We no longer sell uniform from the school unless it is an emergency. We have two uniform providers for you to choose from Brigade Clothing and My Clothing. Please take a look at both sites and make your choices.
Our school uniform consists of the following:
Plain black or grey Trousers/shorts
Plain black or charcoal grey skirts
White polo shirts
Navy blue sweatshirts/cardigans (available from Brigade Clothing or My Clothing) “Hoodies” are not permitted
Black shoes In order to reduce playground accidents, it is recommended that children wear black flat-heeled shoes with encased toes. Children are not permitted to wear trainers.
Summer dresses - blue gingham PE Kit
PE Kit
Black or navy shorts
Yellow embroidered t-shirt (available from Brigade Clothing or My Clothing)
Plimsolls or bare feet indoors, plimsolls or trainers outdoors
Free School Meal Pupils
All registered free school meal pupils who are new to Year 3 are entitled to a free sweatshirt or cardigan. If you would like to take up this offer you will need to place your order via the school by emailing accounts@craneswater.portsmouth.sch.uk. If you don’t have access to the internet, then please inform us by letter of your child’s details and size.