Parents Teachers and Friends Association
The Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) is a voluntary group of parents and staff who work for the benefit of the school by organising fundraising and social events. Anyone who has children at the school or who works at the school is welcome to get involved either by attending PTFA meetings, where we plan future PTFA events in a friendly informal atmosphere, or by helping out at the events we hold such as the school disco, horse racing night or summer fete.
Craneswater Junior School greatly appreciate all that the PTFA do for the school. The social events are a great opportunity for families and staff to get together. Funds raised by the PTFA help pay for the school's mini buses which make trips much more affordable and enable the children to take part in more extra curricular sporting events. The PTFA have also purchased items such as a multi media system, trim trail, playtime games, musical equipment and much more to the benefit of our children.
If you would like to get involved in the PTFA, please email Sara at admin@craneswater.portsmouth.sch.uk
For details of the upcoming PTFA events, please check the online calendar