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Key Dates


Friday 25th October - 3pm school closes for half term break


Monday 4th November school reopens for second half term

Monday11th - Wednesday13th November Year 4 Beaulieu residential visit week 1

Monday18th - Wednesday 20th November Year 4 Beaulieu residential visit week 2


Friday 20th December 3pm school closes for the Christmas break


Monday 6th January school reopens for spring term

Wednesday15th - Friday17th January Year 3 residential visit to Hooke Court


Monday 3rd February - Inset Day

Friday 14th February school closes for the half term break

Monday 24th February school reopens


Monday 10th March - Inset Day


Friday 4th April school closes for the Easter break

Tuesday 22nd April school reopens for the summer term


Monday12th May Year 6 SATS week

Friday 23rd May 3pm school closes for May half term


Monday 2nd June school reopens

Wednesday 18th - Friday 20th June Year 6 residential visit to Little Canada

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th June Year 5 residential visit to Stubbington


Tuesday 22nd July 3pm school closes for the summer break

On Friday afternoons we hold class assemblies.  These take place in the school hall starting at 2.30pm promptly and last for about 15 minutes.  Children will be sharing some of the work they have done over the year so far.  Assembly dates will be shown below:


6DM Friday 8th November
5CB Friday 15th November
5R Friday 22nd November
3G Friday 29th November
6W Friday 6th December
5OP Friday 17th January
6V Friday 31st January
3GS Friday 7th February
6CR Friday 14th February

Photos and videos are strictly prohibited!

Diary Dates

Please see the latest Newsletter for diary dates and events. 

Programme of school term and holiday dates for LA and controlled schools for the academic year.

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