Year 6
Teachers: Mrs E Barnard, Mrs R Brooks, Mrs S Carter-Rowe, Mrs V DiMarco and Mr N McMaster
Parents are invited to attend a meeting on Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 5.00 pm to discuss the residential trip that will take place in the summer term as well as how you can support your child through the end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs).
(No need to register to attend the meeting.)
Year 6 PE days - Tuesdays (Indoors) & Wednesdays (Outdoors)
Homework is set online weekly homework. Your child’s log in details are in their green book, which should then remain at home. If you have any problems with accessing the online platforms or your child has limited computer access, please contact your child’s class teacher via the office.
The links below contain parental guides for using different features of Purple Mash
2Email- A Parent's Guide
Spelling: These are set every Monday. Each child has ten words to learn and practise during the week and a short test in class on a Friday. We would encourage your child to use a range of strategies to help learn their spellings and they may wish to practise in the green homework book (this book will not need to be returned to school). Once your child feels confident that they have learnt their spellings, they then complete the online Purple Mash quiz which will be able to be viewed by your child’s teacher. Quizzes will need to be completed by the due on the following Monday and feedback will be provided verbally within class.
Maths: Homework is completed on an online program called Purple Mash, which is accessible by desktops or tablets. This will be set every Monday to be completed by the following Monday. Your child has their username and password to log on. Whilst this is an online homework, your child may use additional resources such as paper and pencil to support their working. At the end of the homework, there is a ‘mark it’ icon, which will then mark and score the piece of work. Children may re-attempt the homework if they wish to improve their initial score. All scores will be accessible by the class teacher and feedback will be given either electronically or verbally within class. Additionally, we encourage you to practise times tables with your child each week. This can be completed in paper form, by rote or by using Times Tables Rockstars. Children should be able to rapidly recall each times table up to 12 x 12.
Home Reading: As part of our whole school approach to reading, children will have the opportunity to choose a library book to take home. Children are encouraged to read every evening. Please encourage and support your child with their reading
The class reader for the Autumn Term is Holes by Louis Sachar. Click on the images below for more information
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