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Year 4 

Teachers: Mrs E Waterman, Mrs K Nzegwu (covered by Mrs R Brooks and Mrs S Jones), 
Mrs J Robinson, Miss E Saupe Miss C Lawrence and Miss S Webb

PE and Games


P.E. will be on the following days:

4R - outdoor PE on Tuesdays; indoor PE on Thursdays

4S - outdoor PE on Tuesdays; swimming PE on Thursdays

4W and 4N - indoor PE on Tuesdays; outdoor PE on Thursdays

4LW - Outdoor PE on Thursdays; swimming on Fridays UNTIL Friday 14th March when swimming finishes, then it will be indoor on Tuesdays and outdoor on Thursdays.


In addition, all classes will have a cricket coaching session on Wednesday5th March, so will need to wear PE kit on that day.


It is important that your child wears their PE uniform into school on these days: blue or black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, yellow PE t-shirt, school jumper or cardigan, although a plain navy or black sweatshirt without a hood can also be worn, and trainers or plimsolls.


Throughout the year, all year 4 children will complete a course of swimming lessons which takes place at the University of Portsmouth swimming pool. Each class will complete approximately 8 lessons, which are led by trained instructors. You will be notified when your child’s class will be starting these lessons along with further information about the required kit. The first class starting on 10th September will be 4N. Children should come to school wearing PE uniform on swimming days – the swimming session will replace 1 of the PE sessions for that week.


We do not encourage the wearing of jewellery in school but children may wear a single pair of stud earrings and a watch. Earrings must be removed by the child or covered with a suitable microporous tape, which can be provided, during PE and games sessions. Please note that teachers and other members of staff are not permitted to remove a child’s earrings so they must be able to remove or cover them themselves. Sports watches and Fit Bits must also be removed before games sessions

Storage: All children will be provided with a locker where they are able to store their bags and coats. Please be aware that these lockers are large enough for a small school bag and are not suitable for rucksacks or any additional items. Lunch boxes are stored on separate trolleys.

Homework Children will be given log in details for Times Tables Rock Stars, a multiplication and division game. We ask that children play the game a few times over the week to improve their fluency. They should be able to recall each multiplication table up to 12 x 12, including the corresponding division facts by the end of Year 4. All Year 4 children will complete the National Multiplication Check during the month of June (see below). Children will also be provided with a spelling overview each half term. This will give details of the words children need to practise spelling at home in preparation for their weekly test. 

Department for Education Multiplication Table Check (MTC)

Department for Education Multiplication Table Check (MTC) is a statutory check for all Year 4 children. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their multiplication tables fluently up to 12 x 12. The questions are multiplication only and corresponding division facts are not tested. Please find information below regarding this check.

What is the multiplication tables check?

It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check will take no longer than 5 minutes. Each child will have their own unique sign-in to this check. Once the questions have been completed, the check will end. The results will be sent to the school before the end of the academic year.

When will this check take place?

The check will take place in school during the week beginning 2nd June. Schools have up to 3 weeks to administer the test. Therefore, if your child is absent during the first week, there will be time for them to complete the check upon their return. Any child who is absent during the test window will not receive a score.

What if my child has specific needs?

There are several access arrangements for the check which can be used to support specific needs. Your child’s teacher will ensure that the access arrangements are appropriate for your child before they take the test in June.

What if my child cannot access the test?

If the access arrangements do not meet the needs of an individual child, you will be contacted by your child’s class teacher who will inform you that your child will not be completing the MTC and the reasons for this.

Do I need to do anything to prepare my child for the check?

As part of usual practice, we would ask that you continue to support your child in regularly practising their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. In order to be secure, their recall should be within 6 seconds. We would encourage children to use TTRS as part of weekly homework. The ‘Soundcheck’ function of this site closely mimics the official test. For many children, practise of the soundcheck regularly can improve their speed and confidence. Your child will be practising the soundcheck weekly at school with the aim of gradually increasing their scores.

How will the results be used?

Later in the summer term, schools will be given access the MTC results. There is currently no ‘pass’ mark for the check. We will inform you of your child’s score later in the summer term once we have received them.

Please rest assured that we aim to avoid children becoming anxious about this check by allowing them to become familiar with its format before they complete the official check. For the vast majority of our pupils, who regularly enjoy using Times Table Rock Stars, the check should not cause any undue worries and we will continue to reinforce the message that all children should just try their best.

If you have any further questions regarding the MTC, please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s class teacher.


Mrs Waterman – Year 4 teacher & Maths Manager

Home Reading: Your child will be able to select two books from the library each week. One will be a banded book for them to read at school and the other is a free choice book to read at home. Your child’s library day is a Monday so please can you ensure their book is in their bag on these days should it need changing. They will also have access to the Portsmouth Library Service eBook platform.

Class Readers: 

As part of our English curriculum, we want to continue to foster a love of reading and expose our children to a range of authors. Over the course of the year, and in addition to what we teach in English, each year group will be sharing different texts from a variety of authors The teacher will be reading the text at various points during the day and we would like the children to have their own copy in order to follow, read along and perhaps read aloud to the class. Whilst we would like to provide these books for all children, we hope you will understand that buying such a large quantity of books would be prohibitively expensive for the school. Therefore, we would like to invite you to purchase a copy of your class’s texts for your child, or bring in their own copy, should they already have it. It may also be possible for them to withdraw these from their local library.


Please see below for your child’s year group texts for the whole year:


● Autumn 1 - Bill’s New Frock by Anne Fine


● Autumn 2 - Cloud Busting by Malorie Blackman


● Spring 1 – Charlotte’s Web by E.B.White


● Spring 2 – The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo


● Summer 1 – Journey to Jo’Burg by Beverley Naidoo


● Summer 2 – The Girl Who Stole an Elephant by Nizrana Farook


● Summer 2 – Julius Caesar – A Shakespeare Story by Andrew Matthews and Tony Ross (children do not need to purchase this book)

Click on the images to find out more about our class readers for the Autumn Term 

Trips and Activities


In Year 4, there are a range of trips and activities for which we may require financial support. Please be aware that prices are approximate. However, at the request of parents, we have tried to detail these in advance for the year, as follows:


· Design Technology activities for the year £4.00 - Autumn term

· Council Chambers – Autumn term (Free)

· Cumberland House – Autumn term (Free)

· Greek Workshop approx. £8.00 - Autumn Term

· Beaulieu - optional 3 day residential – November (places have already been allocated)

· Marwell Zoo £10.00 – Summer Term

· Fort Nelson (Romans) approx. £6.00 – Summer Term

Mobile Phones and Social Media


It is recommended that your child does not bring a mobile phone to school as we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. However, if you decide it is necessary for your child, then they must turn their phone off on arrival at school and hand it to their class teacher at the start of the day. It will be stored in the classroom and returned at the end of the school day. Mobile phones should not be turned on until your child has left the school grounds. We would like to remind parents that children should not be using any social media platform which is below the legal age stated or without parental supervision. Therefore, any issues arising with social media use will always be referred back to parents.

Healthy Snacks

Children are allowed to bring in a healthy snack for their morning break. They are welcome to bring in fruit, cereal bars or any healthy alternative to keep in their tray, in a separate container to their named lunch box, until break time. Please note that crisps, chocolate bars and sweets are not acceptable healthy snacks and we are a strictly nut free school. Children should bring in their own named water bottle daily, so that they can have access to drinking water during the day.

Social stories

Social stories are short descriptions of a particular situation, event or activity, which include specific information about what to expect in that situation and why. They can help children cope with changes to routine and reduce anxiety. As a school we have developed social stories for when we have trips and visitors as this is when the school day will be different from normal routine. If you feel your child would benefit from these, then please read them to your child.

All our social stories for each year group can be found here: Social Stories 


Family support


At Craneswater, we are committed to supporting your family’s physical and emotional health and wellbeing. We want to make your child’s journey with us as supported and enjoyable as possible. Our Family Well-being support team are here to help or signpost you to external agencies. Please look at our family support page on our website:

Parental Support | CRANESWATER or email



Finally, if at any time you have any queries or concerns, please let us know via the school office.

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